?> Cool Coffee Table for Catchy Interiors and Artistic Souls | Coffee Table Design Ideas

Cool Coffee Table Mainstream of Decoration

Cool Designs for Coffee Tables

All admirers of modern design and incredible things must to pay attention on a cool coffee table. If you like art-deco, pop-art and kitsch, you are not afraid of too bright colors and marginal things, look for something strange. The more so because Internet is rich with cool coffee table ideas, and modern designers are ready to create a piece of furniture specially for you.

That, who wants to cut down expenses and has a fertile imagination can make an article him-self. Paint an old article in a bright color or make it multicolor, decorate it with stickers in pop-art style, or find a picturesque stump and place it in the room. You have many old books, than put furniture of them. Use the books as the legs for a glass, wooden or plastic top. What about a big old barrel? It will serve well as a tray or support. Get anywhere a durable box, and your friend will be surprised a lot! As you can see there are a lot of cool looking coffee tables! Everything you need is a little boldness and imagination.

Cool College Coffee Tables

If you want to purchase a designer article and you are ready to pay a large amount, welcome to salons and art galleries. How do you like a computer board into a transparent box as a piece of furniture? A statue of a sumo wrestler as a support is out of the ordinary. A nostalgic charm will be added by a table, which looks like a cassette type. Lovers of computer games can place in their room an enormous Nintendo controller. But my favorite is a combining with an aquarium. The base is represented by a real aquarium, and a glass top permits you to admire fish’s life. Well, cool coffee table designs are very uncommon but don’t fit everybody.

33 Photos of the Cool Coffee Table Mainstream of Decoration

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